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RailsConf 2015 Telah Usai, Ada Apa Disana?
Bagus Aji Santoso • 26 April 2015
RailsConf 2015 merupakan konferensi tahunan para programmer Ruby on Rails, framework web dengan gaji tinggi. Diadakan setiap tahun sejak 2006 lalu, RailsConf 2015 edisi 2015 yang berlangsung pada tanggal 21-23 April ini diselenggarakan di Atlanta, Ibukota negara bagian Georgia, Amerika Serikat. RailsConf diselenggarakan oleh Ruby Central, Inc., sebuah organisasi yang mendedikasikan diri untuk membantu mengembangkan komunitas Ruby.
Ada tiga acara inti di RailsConf 2015 yaitu Keynote, Sessions, dan Labs. Ada empat keynote speaker di RailsConf 2015 yaitu David Heinemeier Hansson (pembuat Ruby on Rails), Aaron Patterson, Kent Beck, dan Sara Chipps. Pada hari pertama, acara dibuka oleh David Heinemeier Hansson yang mengenalkan fitur-fitur baru di Rails 5. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan presentasi dari berbagai peserta dan ditutup dengan keynote oleh Sara Chipps. Berikut ini daftar presentasi yang diselenggarakan dihari pertama:
- Prying Open The Black Box
- So Long Hoboken: Migrating a Huge Production Codebase from Sinatra to Rails
- How Does Bundler Work, Anyway?
- Don't Be A Hero: Sustainable Open Source
- How to Program with Accessibility in Mind
- Do Users Love Your API? Developer-focused API Design
- Riding Rails for 10 Years
- Speed Science
- Strategies for being the Junior on the Team
- Civic Hacking on Rails
- You, Too, Can Be A Webserver
- DevOps for the Lazy
- Slightly Less Painful Time Zones
- Understanding Rails test types in RSpec
- Implementing a Strong Code-Review Culture
- Scaling Rails for Black Friday and Cyber Monday
- Breaking Down the Barrier: Demystifying Contributing to Rails
- Docker isn't Just for deployment
- Better callbacks in Rails 5
- Level Up with OSS: Develop your Rails Dev Skills Through Open Source Contributions
- WHat We Can Learn about Diversity from the Liberal Arts
- 5 Secret We Learned While Building a Bank in 16 Months
- Microservices, a bittersweet symphony
- Adventures in Federating Authorization and Authentication with OAuth
- Amelia Bedelia Learns to Code
- Teaching GitHub for Poets
- Test Driving your Rails Infrastructure with Chef
- Get started with Component-based Rails applications!
- Resilient by Design
- Processes and THreads - Resque vs. SIdekiq
- So YOu Want to Start Refactoring?
- Humane Development
Hari kedua dimulai dengan keynote dari Aaron Patterson dan diikuti oleh presentasi dari peserta RailsConf 2015. Presentasi yang diselenggarakan pada hari kedua RailsConf 2015 adalah:
- What’s happening in your Rails app? Introduction to Introspection features of Ruby
- Now Hear This! Putting Real-Time Voice, Video and Text into Rails
- Why We're Bad At Hiring (And How To Fix It)
- SVG charts and graphics with Ruby
- Interviewing like a Unicorn: How Great Teams Hire
- How to talk to humans: a different approach to soft skills
- Building RailsPerf, a toolkit to detect performance regressions in Ruby on Rails core
- Playing Games In The Clouds
- Burn Rubber Does Not Mean Warp Speed
- Curly — Rethinking the view layer
- Leveraging Microsoft Azure from Ruby
- Ambitious Capybara
- AMS, API, Rails and a developer, a Love Story
- Beyond Hogwarts: A Half-Blood's Perspective on Inclusive Magical Education
- Dynamically Sassy
- Bending the Curve: How Rust Helped Us Write Better Ruby
- Getting a Handle on Legacy Code
- RSpec: It's Not Actually Magic
- High performance APIs in Ruby using ActiveRecord and Goliath
- Crossing the Canyon of Cognizance: A Shared Adventure
- Crossing the Bridge: Connecting Rails and Your Front-End Framework
- Heroku: A Year in Review
- Ruby on Rails on Minitest
- Why Your New API Product Will Fail
- What If Shakespeare Wrote Ruby?
- Implementing a visual CSS testing framework
- Passwords are not Enough
Hari ketiga alias hari terakhir RailsConf 2015 dibuka dengan penganugerahan Ruby Heroes Award dan diskusi panel dengan Rails Core. Dilanjutkan dengan presentasi dari peserta konferensi dan ditutup dengan keynote dari Kent Beck yang membahas mengenai elemen manusia di pemrograman. Daftar presentasi pada hari ketiga adalah:
- What Comes After MVC
- Designing a Great Ruby API - How We're Simplifying Rails 5
- Using JavaScript from the Future in Your Rails App Today
- Making Data Dance
- Ruby Debugger Internals
- http://exploration
- Sometimes a Controller is Just a Controller
- ActiveJob: A Service Oriented Architecture
- Your Front End Framework is Overkill - Server Side JavaScript with Rails
- Data Warehouses and Multi-Dimensional Data Analysis
- See You on the Trail
- Bringing UX to Your Code
- The World of Rails Security
- React.js on Rails
- A new kind of analytics: actionable performance analysis
- Delivering Autonomous Rails Apps behind Corporate Firewalls
- Deploy and Manage Ruby on Rails Apps on AWS
- Coding: Art or Craft?
- The power of cache in a slow world
- Rails and EmberCLI: an intergration love story
- Voila, Indexes! A Look at Some Simple Preventative Magick
- Metasecurity: Beyond Patching Vulnerabilities
- Nothing is Something
- (Re)Building a large scale payments system on Rails
- Internet of Things: Connecting Rails with the Real World
- Rapid data modelling using ActiveRecord and the JSON data type
- What I've Learn in 7 Years of Podcasting about Ruby
- What is this PGP thing, and how can I use it?