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[PAID WORKSHOP] Evolve's Machine Learning Deep Learning Workshop (3 Days Ticket)

[PAID WORKSHOP] Evolve's Machine Learning Deep Learning Workshop (3 Days Ticket)

About Our Workshop:

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning are the most fundamental aspects in this digital and big data era. The demands of skillful engineers with such capabilities are still high, yet the number of the aforementioned engineers are still low especially in Indonesia. Therefore, there are a lot of opportunities offered in this field globally for whoever have the will to learn the skills.

Evolve Machine Learners Jakarta is a part-time machine learning course focused on training future machine learning engineers. We are providing a community for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning engineers to learn the foundations of AI & ML, then we help students become machine learning engineers, and most importantly we help students create their own Machine Learning Startups or find a job as a Machine Learning engineer.

Evolve Machine Learners partners with Co-Working Spaces and Accelerators in Asia to help train their members and Startups in all things Related to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning through our five months intensive AI & ML bootcamp, and nowadays we wanted to expand our expertise also in providing workshop for young engineers and programmers to learn more about “the Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning,” which will be held at:

Venue : Oak Meeting Room at Neo Tendean Hotel, South Jakarta

Date : 17th August - 19th August, 2018 (3 days)

Time : 09.00 - 17.00

Course Outline:

Day 1

  1. Statistics & Linear Algebra
  • Theory (1 Hour)
  • Practical with Numpy scikit-learn (1 Hour)
  1. Preprocessing Data with pandas(Theory 1 hour and practical 2 hour)
  • Data Cleansing
  • Scaling and Normalization
  • Dimensionality Reduction
  1. Linear Regression
  • Theory 30 minutes
  • Practical 30 minutes using scikit-learns
  1. Gradient Descent
  • Theory 30 minutes
  • Practical 30 minutes

Day 2

  1. K-Nearest Neighbohr & K-Means
  • Theory 1 hour
  • Practical 2 hour
  • Naive Bayes
  • Decision Tree Classification
  • Random Forest Classification
  1. Decision trees and Random forest
  • Theory 1 hour
  • Practical 1 hour
  1. Self organizing Map
  • Theory 1 hour
  • Practical 1 hour
  1. Intro into Reinforcement Learning
  • Theory 1 hour
  • Practical 1 hour

Day 3

  1. Intro Artificial Neural Network
  • Perceptron Theory 30 minutes Practical 30 minutes

  • Multi layer neural network(MLP) Theory 45 minutes Practical 45 minutes

  • What is important to train MLP model Theory 45 minutes Practical 45 minutes

  1. Deep Learning
  • What is deep learning Theory 30 minutes

  • Autoencoder & denoising autoencoder Theory 45 minutes Practical 45 minutes

  • Convolution Neural Network Theory 30 minutes Practical 30 minutes

  • Recurrent Neural Networks(LSTM, GRU) Theory 30 minutes Practical 30 minutes


  • You have to bring your own laptop
  • Basic high school mathematics knowledge, no prior Deep Learning knowledge
  • Must have technical background and basic understanding of Deep Learning concepts
  • Able to use programming language especially Python

What will you get

  • Intensive training at a hotel
  • 2 times coffee break and lunch everyday for 3 days
  • International Certificate
  • Discounts (1st Winner: 10% - 2nd Winner 5% - 3rd Winner 3%) to join our AI and ML Bootcamp--Batch 4--on October 2018
  • Workshop special code for participants

Who are the trainers?

Jony Sugianto

He was graduated as Dipl. In f. (FH) from informatics engineering major, University of applied science Mannheim, Germany and as M. Comp. Sc. from informatics engineering knowledge Base System major in FernUniversitaet Hagen, Germany. His expertise is in various programming languages, such as Scala, Python, Java, Go, and Matlab. He has many experiences as research engineer, software architect, senior Java also C++. And was a developer for several companies in Indonesia and Germany.

Afif Akbar Iskandar

Currently, he is an AI scientist of Bukalapak and founder of Solusinesia Team. He was graduated as cumlaude magister of Computer Science in Universitas Indonesia. He has many IT certifications in deep learning, machine learning with Python, supervised learning with scikit-learn, etc. He hold several projects, such as tutorial.afifai.com and develop a webapp for Bank Qurban.


Contact Person : +62877-8656-5550 (Whatsapp)

Also, don’t forget to check out our social media:

Instagram : evolvemlearners.id

Website : www.evolvemachinelearners.com

Facebook page : Evolve Machine Learners, Indonesia



